February 25, 2009

SAW best photograph(s)

Here is the followup to the previous post (“Which of your photographs is your favorite?”). The more difficult question is,
“Which of your photographs, do you think is your best?”
Now that question is a real zinger.

In no particular order, on today, Wednesday February 25, 2009, here are a couple few dozen, aw heck, 15 of my best photographs (IMHO.)

To each their own. Do you have favorite, shown here or not shown here?
I would love to know which one?!  :-)
posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 0 comments

February 23, 2009

SAW favorite photograph | new SAW photograph > 002

A question I get asked all the time is,
“Which of your photographs is your favorite?”
I usually answer the question, “The one I took most recently.” Although it may sound like I am sidestepping the question I’m really not. Plain and simple, nothing matches the excitement of creating new work.

So, with that said here is my current favorite photograph:

back of man’s head at the airport *

* = until I think of a better title...

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 0 comments

February 17, 2009

SAW new SAW photograph > 001

Back in the day (1994) I used to have a page on my photography website entitled, “Literalisms.” Theoretically this new shot would have gone there.
Best Pain

p.s. Nope, it is not Photoshopped. That would be cheating missing the point.

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 5:01 PM 1 comments