June 6, 2008

SAW psst, buddy

There is a secret gallery on our site, that we usually only invite clients to view. The gallery shows case studies of what we do in post.

btw, now that we have told you, we are going to have to  _ _ _ _  you.

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 1 comments

SAW kudos to the other guy/gal: No. 002

My hands down favorite about/bio page for another photog:


Okay, so maybe I am a wee bit bias — but come on, is that not cool!

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 9:00 AM 1 comments

June 5, 2008


I may be in the minority (judging by the other photo blogs out there,) but I will gladly take a Conference Call over a RFP any day of the week—including weekends.

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 0 comments

June 4, 2008

SAW r9

Photogs, agents & ABs will all know what “r9” means.


p.s. but on the bright side, we aren’t in the double digits yet. ;-)
posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 0 comments

June 3, 2008

SAW kudos to the other guy/gal: No. 001

Well said:

“No job is too small, no fee is too big.”

Jason & Dustin | The Heads of State

The Heads of State are a [really smart] design duo making great work & waves worldwide.
Visit their site, where you can now buy something.

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 0 comments

June 2, 2008

SAW same page

We recently estimated a good sized, semi-complicated job. Lots of travel, shooting in 3 cities, but very doable.
Usually, my agent and I work on the estimates together; this time we tried something different. Since our schedules were both hectic, we each worked up our own estimate and would compare notes in the morning.

It was uncanny!? When we compared the numbers, we were within 100 bucks of each other. Go figure. Cool.

So, as always, we will see from the agency, who will see from the client, if we are ALL really on the same page. ;-)

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 0 comments

June 1, 2008

SAW IMHO, strategy is key

The pink elephant in the room, is that the majority of the photo gigs happening have a budget way lower than what we (us photogs) are used to. No surprise there.

But what I want to stress, is that the number one way we ‘get the job done,’ when the budget it ‘less than optimal,’ is STRATEGY.

Basically, we work backward. Harkening back to my independent film day (re: filming on a shoestring budget.)

What do we need?
How can we get it!

Seems people think that you can just cut fees to meet the mark. Nope, it ain’t that simple. Believe you/me, I wish it was!

Having a talk on the phone with the AD/CD/AB will more times than not bring a solution, because I find out exactly what you need & why you need it.

Now if only I had a cousin Vinny who’s got one of those...

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 10:00 AM 0 comments