November 19, 2009



My official Stephen Austin Welch pirate sticker now glows in the dark! These are hot (HOT) off the press.

Just a heads up, that I’m selling a few of ’em on Etsy.

Check out the sticker page on my site.

btw, this sticker is a followup to the original SAW pirate sticker. You can view it in the SAW WAS HERE sticker contest gallery.

© Stephen Austin Welch All rights reserved.

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posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 1:00 PM 0 comments

November 14, 2009

SAW color is the new black (and white)

I have taken all but 4 black and white shots out of my portfolio. I never really thought about it until I was cleaning out our walk-in closet and prerused though an old portfolio. Wow, I use to have a ton of b&w shots in my book. I just don’t get hired to shoot much b&w anymore. I see less and less of it in print. And of course now, we just shoot digital in color and then do a fancy color conversion in post anyway. Well, it may not be in my portfolio, but It is tucked away in the nook and crannies on my site. And who knows, maybe just stiring the pot and talking about it on my blog will score me a new b&w photographic ad campaign. We’ll see.


For the record, I still love my black and white photographs.
Here are some of my faves; click to view these 33 images full size in my black and white galley.


p.s. too bad b$w [sic] is not the new b&w ;-)
posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 9:44 PM 0 comments

November 6, 2009

SAW our shoot strategy

I am a firm believer that there is more than one way to produce a shoot. I have made it happen. Sometimes I can do a $100,000 job for $10,000 (or $25,000. for $2,500—you get it, just drop a zero.) It all comes down to communication and being true to the concept. I always want to find a way to be your shooter. Always. I love to shoot. It’s who I am. It’s what I do.
posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 4:50 PM 0 comments

November 3, 2009

SAW another big milestone

I have been shooting professionally for 15 years. My first big break job was at the age of 21. That shoot was for TBWA\Chiat\Day. Good times!

update: okay, I just did the math, 16 years.
posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 4:51 PM 0 comments

November 2, 2009

SAW your custom web portfolio gallery

I build custom portfolios for my clients all the time! We know that ‘some’ of our photographs are perfect for the client to see, and some are not (it’s the nature of the beast.) It does not hurt our feelings to put together a portfolio of only that which is relevant to the job. It often saves both your time and energy. Your custom portfolio will even have a smart link like this:
posted by Stephen Austin Welch at 4:49 PM 0 comments