What do you do with outtakes? By “outtakes,” I mean good photos that aren’t great. I’m pondering this aloud and posing this question to myself.
I take a lot of pictures. Some of them end up in my book and here on my website—others don’t. I am always taking photographs. Documenting my life (i.e. capturing our antics.) But truth be told, I never know what to do with them.
These images are my visual journal. Hundreds (thousands) of pretty good photos, that just don’t quite make the cut. Okay, many of them are snapshots, but I do not think the snapshot is inferior to the crafted photographic masterpiece!
I guess Facebook is an option. I am not a flickr kind of guy... heck, maybe this blog—but I am not sure I want to water it down.
The point I am trying to make is, my photographs (the good, bad, and otherwise) tell a story. But the story they tell is of me! They show what I see. They show how I see. They illuminate what I find odd, unique and yes, sometimes beautiful.
I try to always have my #pubcam with me. It makes life more fun. Making photographs is a blast—I keep rediscovering this.
Yet, I am my toughest critic. I do a heavy amount of editing. But sometimes I get the urge to let the world see behind the curtain. Stay tuned... tomorrow!
UPDATE: Ah ha! The perfect solution, using my pen name! No use googling for it, as it is under lock and key. I’ll just start up another site, using a pseudonym, and the world will just think it is ONE MORE BLOODY PHOTOGRAPHER! Just wait until we bid against each other! ;-)
I take a lot of pictures. Some of them end up in my book and here on my website—others don’t. I am always taking photographs. Documenting my life (i.e. capturing our antics.) But truth be told, I never know what to do with them.
These images are my visual journal. Hundreds (thousands) of pretty good photos, that just don’t quite make the cut. Okay, many of them are snapshots, but I do not think the snapshot is inferior to the crafted photographic masterpiece!
I guess Facebook is an option. I am not a flickr kind of guy... heck, maybe this blog—but I am not sure I want to water it down.
The point I am trying to make is, my photographs (the good, bad, and otherwise) tell a story. But the story they tell is of me! They show what I see. They show how I see. They illuminate what I find odd, unique and yes, sometimes beautiful.
I try to always have my #pubcam with me. It makes life more fun. Making photographs is a blast—I keep rediscovering this.
Yet, I am my toughest critic. I do a heavy amount of editing. But sometimes I get the urge to let the world see behind the curtain. Stay tuned... tomorrow!
UPDATE: Ah ha! The perfect solution, using my pen name! No use googling for it, as it is under lock and key. I’ll just start up another site, using a pseudonym, and the world will just think it is ONE MORE BLOODY PHOTOGRAPHER! Just wait until we bid against each other! ;-)

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